Photo of Pyramid Global Hospitality, Boston, MA

Pyramid Global Hospitality


Boston Harbor Hotel
Boston, MA
Hotel Valley Ho
Scottsdale, AZ
Colorado Springs Marriott
Colorado Springs, CO
Sentinel Hotel
Portland, OR
Costa d'Este Beach Resort
Vero Beach, FL
Pyramid Global Hospitality

30 Rowes Wharf, Suite 5300
Boston, MA 02110

Management Company

About this Employer


Pyramid Invests in People, Properties, and Proprietary Solutions


We are the Industry’s Employer of Choice

Exceptional work environments are those that truly ‘care’ for the individual and cultivate their path to success; people-first in spirit and in practice.

We remain unwavering in a tireless pursuit to hire and develop the potential of our staff. Pyramid fosters career growth to develop talent in the industry.

We are looking for you.


We Deliver Power on the Ground

Pyramid’s core businesses include investment, asset management, and operations for branded and non-branded properties across full-service, select-service, and luxury/resort lifestyle.

We build property experiences that create lasting memories.


We Create Potential Through Insight and Imagination

Pyramid invests in the tools needed to transform the hotel experience and deliver dynamic financial results to partners and hotel owners across verticals.

Reinvention, ideation, entrepreneurial spirit, and agility are the pillars allowing us to pivot and adapt solutions to meet the needs of an ever-evolving landscape.


Built on Legacy

Trailblazing is in Pyramid's DNA, a company forged by trailblazers who worked their way to success with a great deal of self-reliance (making and taking their own chances).

Their legacy informs our culture: integrity, principle, and creativity. This seasoned team of veteran service and management providers has held, and excelled, at every position in the industry - from the ground up - and operates from a deep level of experience that few can duplicate.

The globally recognized accomplishments of our multi-national leaders are foundational. Among them, award-winning and distinctive partners include: Burt Cabañas, Rick Kelleher, Frank Croston, Chris Evans, James Dina, & Co-Founder and Global CEO Warren Fields.

With a history of industry standard-setting accomplishments, and a focus on the people, Pyramid established an unrivaled implementation of quality over quantity. These values are the fabric of an organization that is passionately committed to honesty, integrity, and transparency.