18 ShuiXi Rd
Huang Pu District
Huang Pu District
按时完成希尔顿大学相关课程学习,并确保通过测试。 熟悉了解酒店产品知识,以及相关活动。希尔顿销售经理始终要以宾客的利益为重并与其他团队成员密切合作。若要成功地应聘这一职位,您的态度、行为、技能和价值观应符合下列标准:
诚挚待客: 自愿全心全意为宾客提供无与伦比的绝佳体验 正直诚信: 时时刻刻为所应为 领导核心: 力争在业界和所在社区都位居领导地位 团队合作: 所有工作中积极发扬团队合作精神 主人翁精神: 勇于为自己的行动负责并敢于做出决定 即时行动: 以刻不容缓的态度和纪律运营 大学专科 具有至少三年在国际连锁酒店的相关经验。 良好的中英文读写能力。 具有良好的沟通技巧。 能在强压下胜任工作。 了解本地客户的情况并具有很强的市场分析能力。 拥有一定的客户资源。We're in the heart of the Guangzhou High Tech Development District, next to the Huangpu District Government Administration Office and Civil Park. Guangzhou International Sports Arena is under two kilometers away. We have a private garden, heated outdoor pool, and a 24-hour fitness center.
Elements offers international cuisine 24 hours a day with live cooking stations. China House serves Chinese regional favorites including dim sum. Chao Shang features authentic Shao Shang cuisine in an elegant space.
We have a pillarless ballroom, seven function rooms, and a rooftop garden to accommodate many types of gatherings. A/V equipment, several banquet menus, and dinner packages are available.